Copying a Unique Quiz Link

Copying a Unique Quiz Link

This page is used to explain how to get the unique quiz link from a campaign in order to send it to the prospective hire with out using Survey Gizmo's automated email for campaigns.

This is only used in special circumstances more often than not the automated email will suffice and should be used.

There is no way to edit or even access the full quiz link for a specific contact in an email campaign, however there is a work around.

In the step on the Sending out the Quiz page where you enter the name and email do not put the prospective hire's email in but rather your own. Enter their name like normal only change the email and follow the rest of the steps.

You will then receive the email containing the link. All you need to do is copy the link and put it wherever you want.

Do not click the link as it will void the quiz for that link.