Quiz Material Creation Process

Quiz Material Creation Process


The following will walk through the process of creating quiz-style questions from training materials.These questions will be created via a template and placed into a pool of questions for use testing the knowledge of future employees on the related subject area. 

Best Practice

Create questions that are tough, but fair. You might find yourself faced with similar questions, or even your own, at some point.

Table of Contents

Complete the Training

Whether it is a video, a document, an instructor-led course or some other format, fully satisfying the course expectations and absorbing all of the material is the first step towards creating great content based upon it.

Best Practice

Take notes early and often. The more material you have to work with once the training is complete, the easier it will be to create a list of questions in both great quality and great quantity.

Get the Template

See https://bitbucket.org/solutechnology/onb-question-repository/raw/HEAD/Supporting%20Content/question_template.txt for the latest quiz creation template and visit Training Process: Initial Setup to retrieve the file directly from Git.

Understand the Template Fields

General Fields


This is the category of the question. If you do not see the category you want on the list provided on the template please request it to be added. The categories below and their number are correct, even though the template may not include them in the listed categories, simply putting the number in will work for the unlisted categories. This list will be kept up to date as categories are added.

Current Category List

0 Generic

1 Java

2 Axure




6 Communication

7 Unix Scripting



10 JavaScript

11 Angular JS

12 Design Patterns

13 Git

14 Java Design Pattern

15 Business Analysis

16 Version Control

17 Presentations

18 Software Testing

19 Foundations of Programming: Software Quality Assurance

20 PowerPoint 2013 Essential Training

21 SQL Essential Training

22 Web Design Fundamentals

23 Programming Foundations: Fundamentals

24 Java SE 8 Bootcamp

25 RESTful API Testing with Postman

26 Experience Design Patterns in Java

27 Java Web Services

28 Windows Tips & Tricks

29 The Internet & World Wide Web

30 Excel

31 Confluence

32 Debugging Java in a Browser

33 Prototyping

34 Usability Testing

Grade Style

Only applicable for 'multiplechoice' (with more then 1 correct answer) style questions
0: Give full score only when all correct responses are provided
1: Give partial score per correct response and deduct partial score for incorrect responses
2: Give partial score per correct response but do not deduct partial score for incorrect responses

Random Answers

A Boolean for if the answers' order is randomized. 0 means no randomization and a 1 means to randomize the answers.


This is the name of the person creating and submitting the questions.

Course Site

This is the site the course was taken on. The options for this are Lynda, Code School and Udemy.

Course Name

This is the exact name of the course as it is written on the site.

Course URL

The URL of the course.


This is what discipline the training is classified under, Professional or Technical.

Question Fields



What form should the answer(s) take?

Multiple Choice

A single answer chosen from a list of possible answers

Multiple Select (This is a form of multiple choice in the template)

Two or more correct answers chosen from a list of possible answers

True or False

A statement of an unknown truth value which the answer is chosen from true or false.

Valid Values

multiplechoice, truefalse



What do you want to ask?

Example Value

What qualities should an awesome question have? (Select all that apply.)



Provide possible answers to the question. These are lettered A-E for reference by the (Correct) field. 



Provide the correct answer(s) to the question. 

For multiple select questions create a multiple choice question and then select multiple answers for correct using the syntax of (Correct): A,B



The weight of the question, defaults to 1.

Example Value

Any real number



Correct Feedback and Wrong Feed back respectively. These are shown to the quiz taker upon answering a question right or wrong. An explanation of the answer is a useful thing to add to this section.  Keep the CF and WF the same if you are giving feedback.

Example Value

An awesome question should have all of the qualities necessary to properly test a candidate's knowledge. It should NOT focus too narrowly on terminology or opinions specific to training source material.



This is an optional field that can be used if you wish to provide a hint to the user about the question.

Example Value

This can be used to help people know the answer.



This is similar to category but can be used to specify more specific detail on the category.

Example Value

Question subject



This is a range of difficulty of the question, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Valid Values

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



This is if the question is about the course or can be applied to the category in general.

Valid Values

General, Course

Example Question

The following illustrates an example question created with the template and defined utilizing the fields and examples described above. 

Quiz Details
(Submitter): Jason Crocker
(Course Site): TBD
(Course Name): Question Creation and You
(Course URL): www.tbd.com
(Discipline): professional

(Type): multiplechoice
(Category): 3    
(Grade style): 0 
(Random answers): 1
(Question): What is this question on?
(A): Grasshoppers
(B): Confluence
(C): Java
(D): Modern Art
(E): Grecco Roman Culture
(Correct): B
(Points): 1
(WF): This is an example question on a Confluence page.

(Hint): What is the site you are currently on called?
(Subject): Question Creation
(Difficulty): Beginner
(Applicability): General

Follow Best Practices

A good question should be aligned with each of the following best practices.

Best Practices

  • Be sure to completely fill out each field of the template for each question
  • Test understanding/concepts over memorization (e.g. the difference between knowing how to multiply rather than simply knowing the times tables)
  • Inject practical situations framing key concepts wherever possible; it should not be possible to answer a question with the first page of Google search results
  • Provide proper context; if a question is best posed with an accompanying code snippet or other artifact, include one
  • Your quiz questions should be easy to read and follow, with zero grammatical or punctuation errors.

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