Building a New Quiz

Building a New Quiz

The first step in class marker is to create the initial quiz. This is a simple process that can be sped up by using a question template. To learn more about the template details and how to use it go to the Quiz Material Creation Process page.


The first step is to navigate to the tests page in ClassMarker, this is done by clicking on the test button on the main menu.


After you are on the tests page you simply click the red NewTest + button.


This will redirect you to a window where you will name and set the category for your new quiz. The name should be representative of the topic covered in the quiz, and if it is a quiz on a training it should be the full title of the training. After that is complete click the Start Adding Questions button.

Now to add questions from the template we need to mouse over the Fixed Questions button and select Import New from the drop down menu.


Since you should have the template already filled out you can skip step 1 on this page and move to step 2. Using the Choose File button you will browse to the template to import, then click the Upload questions for checking button.



It is possible that there might be a formatting error in the template, if this occurs ClassMarker will inform you at this point along with the error's line number. After fixing the error you must re select the file to upload.


After the questions have been uploaded you will have a chance to review how they will look. If they look good proceed to the bottom and click the My questions are ready to save button and then select add to existing test. Select the test from the list and Save to the selected test.


There you have it you now have created the quiz and added the questions to it. To learn how to add more questions or change an existing question visit the Adding or Modifying Quiz Questions page.