Requirement and Features Review

Requirement and Features Review


Features Link



Example Features


A feature should adhere to the following criteria:

  1. It should provide business value
  2. It should be estimable - it must have enough definition for the development team to provide an estimate of the work involved in implementing it
  3. It should be small enough to fit within an iteration - therefore, if it is too big, it should be broken down further
  4. It should be testable - you should understand what automated or manual test a feature should pass in order to be acceptable to the customer

Features List evolves over time.

Shall not will

Features are initially described in a short paragraph, typically 2-4 sentences. This description represents a high-level summary of the feature, a placeholder for preliminary understanding and a basis for future communication. It's rather like a headline for an article that will be written later. The goal is to spend just enough time describing the feature to have a reasonable understanding of relative size, complexity, and priority compared to all other features

It is very helpful to organize features by specifying categories, higher level functional groupings, business value or priority, and risk.

 The entire list of features should be ranked in a single continuous sequence to provide the project team so that everyone can easily see which features are the most valuable.

 Feature List plan: Use excel to create a table list with the feature, priority, and category that it falls under.








Think SMART when making the requirements.

SMART Requirements (alternate namings in parenthesis)

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable (Achievable, Actionable, Appropriate)
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound (Timely, Traceable)


Requirements Plan: Use the Confluence provided requirements sheet to record requirements.